AFP to SVG Conversion Tool
AFP to SVG Conversion
The AFP to SVG (Scaleable Vector Graphics) Conversion module converts a fully composed AFP page into a SVG document:
- Accepts fully composed AFP with in-lined or external Resources
- Substitutes fonts for fast viewing.
- Can be combined with Archive Split Tool, to split larger files into individual documents for Archiving
Typical applications include:
- Convert AFP documents to be viewed online without any additional plugins
- Post-Composition indexing
- Partial text extraction
OverviewFeaturesSystem Requirements
The module converts fully composed AFP pages into SVG Graphic Pages.
Viewable in any browser without any plugins.
The AFP 2 SVG Module is available for the following Operating Systems:
- Windows 7 & up
- Redhat Linux
- Suse Linux
All Timitoo software is 64 bit.
For purchase information please contact